Irish VAT Registration Threshold Increase

Irish VAT Registration Threshold Increase

From 2024, it has been proposed that the threshold for mandatory registration for VAT of resident business’ will increase from the current values of €37,500 for services and €75,000 for goods to €40,000 for services and €80,000 for goods. These changes are due to come...
HMRC Changes for VAT Registrations

HMRC Changes for VAT Registrations

Currently when a company wishes to register for UK VAT through HMRC, they have the option to register online through the government website, or to complete a VAT1 form and post this to HMRC. From mid-November 2023, HMRC are going to remove the option to complete the...
The Netherlands Import VAT – Article 23 Permit

The Netherlands Import VAT – Article 23 Permit

Why do I need an Article 23 Permit? By using the reverse charge mechanism when importing goods, it means that the VAT on the import is not required to be paid immediately. Instead, the import is reported on the VAT return and claimed back in one reporting procedure...
Reduced VAT Rates in Portugal Extended

Reduced VAT Rates in Portugal Extended

It has been announced by the Portuguese government that the current zero VAT rating of essential food products is to be extended, originally due to end in October, now to run to the end of December 2023. Originally coming into force in April 2023, the list of included...
2023 Changes to Italian VAT Procedures

2023 Changes to Italian VAT Procedures

It has been announced that the Italian Parliament has approved a number of reforms to the Italian VAT system, which aim to modernize the current tax regime as well as making VAT compliance easier. They have also extended their temporary cut to the VAT rate on domestic...