NEW Mandatory Import VAT Reverse-charge in France

NEW Mandatory Import VAT Reverse-charge in France

Mandatory French Reverse Charge for Import VAT From 1st January 2022, all VAT on imports to France will be deferred and reported in your VAT return. × Dismiss alert From 1st January 2022, the French tax administration have announced that ALL import VAT will be...
Using the EU One Stop Shop from Northern Ireland

Using the EU One Stop Shop from Northern Ireland

What is the One Stop Shop? The one stop shop is a new EU scheme which came into place from the 1st July 2021. The one stop shop is a simplification scheme allowing businesses to register and charge the destination VAT of the relevant EU country and reduce the need for...
Amazon EU Responsible Person Requirement for UK Sellers

Amazon EU Responsible Person Requirement for UK Sellers

There have been a number of changes affecting British businesses over the last 10 months caused as a result of Brexit. Pursuant to the new Market Surveillance Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 a new law was introduced that British businesses must now appoint an EU responsible...
French Tax Regimes

French Tax Regimes

IS, IR, simplified réel, normal réel Tax Regimes There are a number of taxes in France relating to corporate and income tax and VAT regimes. In this article we break down each type of tax in France and how to operate under these regimes. When you are running your own...